Category: News

Denver Introduced Cohort of Youth Apprentices with Careerwise Colorado

Denver Economic Development & Opportunity (DEDO) welcomed a new cohort of twelve apprentices late last week, including some apprentices from DSISD! View the story at the link below to learn more about this program.

DSISD 2021-2022 Schedule

August 23, 2021: First Day of School DSISD Doors Open at 7:55 am Monday – Thursday Block 1 8:00 am -9:15 am Block 2 9:20 am – 10:35 am Advisory 10:40 am – 11:10 am Lunch 11:15 am – 12:00Continue Reading

Future Leaders Winner Explores The World Under the Ocean

DENVER (CBS4) – Each month during the school year, CBS4, along with PDC Energy, highlights a high school student who stands out in science, technology, engineering or math, STEM. The Future Leaders award comes with $1,000, and a profile on CBS4Continue Reading

Quarter 2 Update

Dear DSISD Students and Families,I hope you are all enjoying your long weekend and are ready to start Quarter 2 of our 2020-2021 school year tomorrow! This short message is a quick reminder that we will continue the same schoolContinue Reading

Health and Safety Live Tour/Simulation

Dear DSISD Students and Families, Your DSISD staff have successfully implemented a continuation of remote learning that was initiated on August 24th. We simultaneously planned for our return in-person learning, which includes many steps to ensure your student’s safety andContinue Reading

DSISD Plan for Back to In-Person Learning- October 21st, 2020: DPS Implementation Plan

Welcome to Denver School of Innovation and Sustainable Design!


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